Students:Austrian Sustainability Field Trip
This page has been created for the purpose of providing informational resources and a work space for students attending the sustainability field trip to Graz-Styria in Austria, 10-15 September 2012.
Logistical and other basic information
- Field trip programme - File:Field trip programme.pdf
- Logistical information - File:Basic information.pdf
Austrian informational resources
- Zotter Chocolate Maker - a Harvard Business School case study of the Zotter organic chocolate manufacturer: Available from field trip coordinator
- Styrian Vulkanland - a case study of transformative regional development focusing on efforts to develop the south-eastern Austrian region known as Vulkanland: File:2011 Case Vulkanland.pdf
- The Austrian Strategy for Regional Development - the official Austrian government document outlining its strategy for a sustainable future: File:Sustainability Strategy.pdf
- ReSource Post-Mining Project - an EU project concerning what to do with mining regions after their mineral deposits have been exhausted (including the Erzberg region we are going to visit) and also includes project reports.
- Situation of photovoltaic producers in Czech Republic - presentation of the chair of photovoltaic association at STUŽ seminar, September 2012 - File:Fotovoltaika CZ.pdf
Czech informational resources
- Ore Mountains/Krušný hory Case Study - a large range of resources in English on sustainability issues in the Ore Mountains, focusing mostly on the mining of brown coal in the region
- Externí náklady prolomení limitů těžby na Mostecku MELICHAR, Jan; MÁCA, Vojtěch; ŠČASNÝ, Milan (2012) Externí náklady prolomení limitů těžby na Mostecku: Případ velkolomů Československé armády a Bílina. Praha: Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí UK v Praze, 41 s. A report in Czech produced by the Charles University Environment Center on the externatilities involved in the possible expansion of mining at two mines in the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin.
- Green Growth in the Czech Republic HAVRÁNEK, M., SIDOROV, E., eds. (2011) Green Growth in The Czech Republic: Selected Indicators. Czech Statistical Office. Prague. ISBN 978-80-250-2141-5. Publikace, na příkladu indikátorů vybraných z rámce definice zeleného růstu OECD, prezentuje stav a trendy vybraných environmentálních a socioekonomických proměnných. Indikátory jsou prezentovány v grafické formě a jsou doprovázené krátkým textem.
- Rio+20: příspěvek českých „významných společenských skupin“ (Major Groups) Výzva českých "významných společenských skupin" u příležitosti konference Rio+20. Tato výzva vzikla v rámci veřejné diskuse mezi českými nevládními organizacemi, vzdělávacími institucemi, místními Agendami 21, podnikatelským sektorem atd. Jejím výsledkem je společný dokument, který byl předkládán jako follow-up Světové konference o udržitelném rozvoji v Rio de Janeiro v cervnu 2012.
Field Trip Diary
Student Space
First Day Task: SD barriers & solutions from three different perspectives
The following lists of sustainable development barriers and solutions were compiled by the students on the first day of the field trip following presentations on various aspects of sustainable development at the University of Graz. The students were formed into three groups of five and asked to provide their views of problems and opportunities associated with SD at three different levels in the Czech Republic: the university, the region, and the country. The students undertook this task in the form of a 'World Cafe' where they changed perspective every 15 minutes while one student remained static to act as rapporteur.
Lessons learned during field trip and their application to the Czech context
- Group 1 - Lukáš, Jarda, Pavel, Iva
- Group 2 - Veronika, Tereza, Katka
- Group 3 - Katie, Tereza
- Group 4 - case study 1 - Tomáš, Jana, Žaneta, Simona, Veronika, Bára
- Group 4 - case study 2 - Tomáš, Jana, Žaneta, Simona, Veronika, Bára
Mario Diethart - File:Sustainability Process University of Graz.pptx
Andrew Barton - File:Creation of RCE Usti nad Labem.pptx and File:Czech contribution to Rio+20.pptx
Christian Kozina - File:Climate Neutral University of Graz.ppt
Marlene Mader - File:Sustainable development in Austria.pptx and File:Rio+20 Austria.pptx
Gesäuse National Park - File:Gesäuse National Park presentation.pdf
Gerfried Tiffner - File:REDESIGN of Eisenerz.pdf and File:Styrian Iron Route.pdf
This field trip was financed from the ESF program "Investments in Education Development", project MOSUR
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Author: Andrew Barton. This article was published under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. How to cite the article: Andrew Barton. (3. 03. 2025). Students:Austrian Sustainability Field Trip. VCSEWiki. Retrieved 09:11 3. 03. 2025) from: <>. |
This page was created with support of the OP VK CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0130 Project - Interdisciplinary Sustainable Development Network