Isoman copper mine (hypothetical case study)/Isoman copper mine solution: Difference between revisions

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== Isoman copper mine should be built!==
== Isoman copper mine should be built!==
..."We" in the industrialized countries absolutely do not have the right to keep off the emerging countries from using their resources. "We" can just provide technology and recommend these governments to use their precious resources responsible and cautious. Last point really is our responsibility. Unfortunately "we" and "our" large corporations most often have the profit in mind and forget about the responsibilities like appropriate garbage disposal, fair wages, etc. On the other hand environmentalists in industrialized countries often tend to decide over other peoples' heads. In doing so they ignore the will of the emerging countries to reach a similar lifestandard "we" already achieved.
Just to exaggerate a bit: Only because "we" have the luxury to think about the ecosystem, we do not have the right to keep away the emerging countries from economic growth.

… In our time of today, we must be flexible! That’s the most important thing besides being open for (sometimes risky) changes. Of course, the traditional way of life might work in certain places and areas. Maybe the copper mine will destroy the traditional ways of production in the Isoman state where farming is the main source of income. But an ending could also be a new beginning! There’s a chance of a new life, perhaps a better one with more wealth. Of course the workers have to develop their knowledge and get the know-how. But it’s possible and then they would have new jobs with new tasks – not always doing the same. And the Isoman state gets a chance to participate on the world market. That’s a great opportunity which I think has to be taken.  
… In our time of today, we must be flexible! That’s the most important thing besides being open for (sometimes risky) changes. Of course, the traditional way of life might work in certain places and areas. Maybe the copper mine will destroy the traditional ways of production in the Isoman state where farming is the main source of income. But an ending could also be a new beginning! There’s a chance of a new life, perhaps a better one with more wealth. Of course the workers have to develop their knowledge and get the know-how. But it’s possible and then they would have new jobs with new tasks – not always doing the same. And the Isoman state gets a chance to participate on the world market. That’s a great opportunity which I think has to be taken.  
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== …but under certain conditions: ==
== …but under certain conditions: ==

organisation and leadership should be affirmed in a contract so that the environmental pollution, even if it would be very little - which has obviously not that high degree of probability - that the intervention in the ecosystem should be compensated in a sustainably way…
...The mine will affect every citizen's life (positively or negatively) and the whole ecosystem (negatively) of the fictional pacific state. Because of that everyone affected should benefit from the revenues of the mine.
The state must be co-owner of the mine and the following points have to be contractually-guaranteed:
1. A fixed part of the income generated by the mine must be applied to reduce the negative effects on the ecosystem.
2. The annual dividend payout for the state at first has to be applied to support citizen's who are negatively affected by the mine.
3. The operator of the mine is fully responsible for appropriate disposal of the tailings -therefore has to bear the costs for it.
Being owner of large mineral resources can either be a fortune or a curse for a society. One should act responsible and try to become a role model for other nations.
...However I strongly agree with you that sovereign states have the right to decide whats best for them without any foreign intervention.
Furthermore I agree with your proposal but I have the feeling that the copper from that mine won't be able to compete with world market prices and also the contractors might reject the offer.
...organisation and leadership should be affirmed in a contract so that the environmental pollution, even if it would be very little - which has obviously not that high degree of probability - that the intervention in the ecosystem should be compensated in a sustainably way…

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...Thus in case of realizing this project, there should be conditions that have to be formulated to prevent exploitation and to reduce the risk of environmental damages. With stipulated conditions and regulations some development assistances and shares of the advantages and profits can be determined and ensured for the population, local institutions and local labour. Rights and certainties of the population and the labour have to be considered and ensured just as the protection of the environment, for instance by defining limits and regulations of mining and degradation.
These kind of conditions should be formulated and defined to take part in the process of globalisation and take advantages of it without risking uncontrolled damages, but it seems that in practice it will be difficult to arrive on an arrangement and to carry these agreements and conditions through.
...It is necessary to negotiate with different companies to find the one that is the most suitable for the project and the one with the best conditions.
...I also think whenever projects like this will come up and will be permute there are always people who will get advantages and disadvantages. Still I think it would be good to involve the people in this country. And maybe these people who feel treated unfair or are scared would understand the project a little more. Maybe these people will get new jobs from the project.
[[Category:Isoman copper mine]]

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