Page history
29 August 2017
29 January 2016
28 January 2015
26 June 2014
5 November 2013
→Water in the Middle East
no edit summary
→Water scarcity as a barrier to sustainable development
→Environment and population pressure
no edit summary
→Water scarcity as a barrier to sustainable development
→Groundwater resources
→Groundwater resources
→Overloaded wastewater systems
→Overloaded wastewater systems
→Over-pumping of groundwater
→Over-pumping of groundwater
→Rationing and a crumbling water infrastructure
→Rationing and a crumbling water infrastructure
→Rationing and a crumbling water infrastructure
→Impact of current water use practices
→Impact of water scarcity
→Supply and demand
→Groundwater resources
→Waste water resources
→Supply and demand
→Waste water resources
→Supply and demand
→Groundwater resources
→Groundwater resources
→Groundwater resources
→Groundwater resources
no edit summary
→Water in the Middle East
no edit summary
no edit summary
4 November 2013
→Water in the Middle East
→Water in the Middle East
→Globalisation aspects of access to water
→Globalisation aspects of access to water
→Water in Jordan
→Groundwater resources
→Surface water resources
→Surface water resources
→Water availability
→Water in the Middle East