About me
I am studying International development studies at University Palacký in Olomouc. This discipline is provided by Department of development studies at Faculty of science. I´ve always been interested in problems connected with poor state of the environment, maybe cause I am fisherman and I´ve grown close to the water and forest.
I´m just finishing third grade, by the way I´ve written bachelor thesis about the issue of overfishing, and especially this industry is managed unsustainably. In the future I´d like to do something meaningful to be able to see one day that my work wasn´t useless.
I look forward to our trip to Germany, couse I like this country and I´ve never been to north part of it. I´ve heard that it´s nice there :)I also believe that it will be important experience, which could broaden my academic horizons. Last but surely not least I look forward to meet new friends and collegues!