Students:Summer school 2012

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Case study - Ore mountains & Most region

The ISPoS Summer School is concentrated on the local problems of a specific region where the huge impacts of supra-regional industries are visible. Like last year, we will use the opportunities to see and experience the situation on site. Aditionally, we will not only explore and describe the current situation but also reflect upon it (in case studies), apply theoretical concepts (social capital), and analyse it using the actor analysis method applied to the local situation. We will deliver the results of our deliberations to the local inhabitants in public hearnig organized at the end of the week.

Knowledge base for Ore Mountans case study

Background materials and available internet resources are available at Knowledge base for Ore Mountans case study page

Methodological materials for students

Please study the Manual for Stakeholder Analysis [1] in advance!

Also basic concepts of sustainability should be used:

Actors in the Ore Mountains & Most region case study

See relevant page

Outcomes of past students' work

2012 Student Space

Comparison of sustainability issues on the Czech and German sides of the Ore Mountains border

2012 Summer School Diary

Presentations of Speakers

Other Resources

  • Coal in the Soul (Czech title: Ženy SHR) - a documentary by M. Dušek and O. Provazník about the 'fate' of two women in the North Bohemian mining region around the city of Most, i.e. the Jezeří chateau custodian, Hana Krejčová, and Czech Coal regional policy PR spokesperson, Libena Novotná: Coal in the Soul documentary film with English subtitles
  • The Ecological Mining Limits in the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin - a booklet written and produced by a group of writers with very close involvement in the setting of the ecological mining limits around Horní Jiřetín and Černice. By Ing. arch. Martin Říha, Ing. Jaroslav Stoklasa, CSc. Ing. Marie Lafarová, Ing. Ivan Dejmal, RNDr. Jan Marek, CSc. Petr Pakosta: File:Environment Mining Limits English.pdf


  1. Zimmermann, A., Maennling, C. (2007). Mainstreaming participation, Multi-stakeholder management: tools for stakeholder analysis, 10 building blocks for designing participatory systems of cooperation. From the series: Promoting participatory development in German development cooperation. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Available from:
  Author: Jana Dlouhá, Andrew Barton, Simon Burandt, Jana Timm. This article was published under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. How to cite the article: Jana Dlouhá, Andrew Barton, Simon Burandt, Jana Timm. (7. 03. 2025). Students:Summer school 2012. VCSEWiki. Retrieved 01:50 7. 03. 2025) from: <>.