VCSEwiki:Stakeholder profiles

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"Different stakeholders’ perspectives and interests are represented by an inventory of stakeholder profiles."[1]

The analysis of stakeholder profiles is focused on three core functions of key stakeholders: legitimacy, resources and connectoins[1]. It is oriented towards the development issue which is in the center of interest: in our case = Sustainable development of the region. In relation to this issue you could ask numerous questions that concern actors/stakeholders and their relations: from whom you could learn about the issue, who defines the rules and strategies in relation to the issue, who has knowledge, information and other resources in relation to the issue, and what are relationships between actors playing role in the issue. As serious conflict between actors is underway in the region, questions crucial for this case also concern trust, reliability of the actors and openess/fairness of communication between them. From this point of view, we could distinguish 'divider' and 'connector' roles (when actors tend to reinforce the conflict, resp. have more mediating effect) (adapted from[1]).

Criteria (Items)

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1 Development vision: The stakeholder supports a constructive vision of development based on democracy and the balancing of interests.

2 Operational effectiveness: The stakeholder works in a goal-oriented and results-driven way and periodically checks the extent to which goals have been achieved.

3 Flexibility and innovation: The stakeholder is open to new ideas and adapts his/her/its organisation to new challenges.

4 Contractual fidelity: The stakeholder keeps to agreements and fulfills the relevant requirements on schedule.

5 Communication: The stakeholder keeps others informed of his/her/its activities, participates in the exchange of information and answers queries promptly.

6 Relationships: The stakeholder facilitates contacts, creates spaces in which encounters can occur and adapts his/her/ its actions to the capacity of his/her/its external partners.

7 Management: The stakeholder acts on the basis of transparent guidelines and strategies, and clarifies roles and responsibilities in his/her/its organisation.

8 Trust: The stakeholder informs others proactively about his/her/its intentions, objectives and expectations, and shows understanding for other interests.

9 Conflicts: The stakeholder is quick to flag tensions and conflicts and is prepared to tackle them constructively, openly and quickly.

10 Capitalising on experience: The stakeholder evaluates his/her/its experiences, is open to criticism and shows a willingness to learn and to change.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Zimmermann, A., Maennling, C. (2007). Mainstreaming participation, Multi-stakeholder management: tools for stakeholder analysis, 10 building blocks for designing participatory systems of cooperation. From the series: Promoting participatory development in German development cooperation. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Available from: