Students:2010/2011 student case studies

Revision as of 17:17, 22 January 2011 by Cabejskova (talk | contribs)


My thesis, based on readings about the New Zealand case (and related resources) is following: globalization is a process related to certain power games and strong (economical) interests - it creates specific "magnetic field" in which it is easy to become a winner AND/OR looser. But there are possibilities to oppose its logic and protect certain values... What are these possibilities? Are they accessible on global level or could be generated rather from local resources? Where are resources of (local) pride, responsibility, thoughtfulness?

This thesis works in relation to natural resources - and what else? Culture? Social (community) sphere? Everything that is traditional? .... And do we really need all this old-fashioned stuff?

Good luck in your considerations and writings!

Jana Dlouhá

Caroline Reibe:

Globalization under the focus of economy – considering their effects on and consequences for money, work and production

Before I will start with the concrete issue of my case study I like to give a brief introduction on the globalization itself.

Wolfgang Mularzyk

The local impacts of global data streams

My friendships, my studies and nearly my whole entity are linked with global network connections between countries, corporations and solitary citizens.

As time goes by, things changes more rapidly as in the past. The world we live in and the way we look on it has being modified. This process is going on, faster and faster, come what may. When I think of the old adage "Haste makes waste", I regard this development with mixed feelings. Cos I have decided to study information technology some years ago, my personal and commercial thoughts are always focused on the enormous dynamic expansion of global data streams.

The following case study should give a deep view into environmental impacts of the internet, the phenomenon of "Everyware" and the influence of highly available information of all aspects of life.

Frank Bröhan

Hello World My paragraph

Sarah de Pasqualin

The global vs. local space for gender inequality

Jan Jelínek

Changing people's relationship to their environment

The case study focuses on people's relationship to their local environment in the early 21st century and compares it with the time half of the 20th century. Since that time relationship of people to place where they live and their way of life greatly transformed. For a better description of these changes, this case study directs on the area of Beskydy.

The human relationship to the environment, the landscape or area in which they reside, can be seen as natural. View where human being is connected with home or earth-connected is in our minds very well rooted. As well as we feel that in developed countries that no longer apply. The case study examines how this change relates to the globalisation process. Furthermore, also focuses on the changing availability of resources, transportation, information exchange, etc. People are as well as wild animals or different types of trees closely linked to the country where they live. Linkages to the living environment can be very considerable for humans and consciousness that this applies to each is of great significance. Therefore, this case study particularly focuses on how are people and the environment where they live affected by this change.

Petr Gut


Zuzana Cabejšková