A Zotter chocolate factory in Czech Republic: Difference between revisions

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=== A brief history of chocolate & situation in Czech republic ===
=== A brief history of chocolate & situation in Czech republic ===

"''A little chocolate is like a love affair - an occasional sweet release that lightens the spirit. A lot of chocolate is like marriage - it seems so good at first but before you know it you've got chunky hips and a waddle-walk.''" - Linda Solegato
"''A little chocolate is like a love affair - an occasional sweet release that lightens the spirit.''
''A lot of chocolate is like marriage - it seems so good at first but before you know it you've got chunky hips and a waddle-walk.''"
- Linda Solegato

Chocolate flows through the history of mankind. Many nations and civilizations plant the cocoa trees already at the 5th century. But at the very beginning just hot drinks were made from the miracle fruits of this tree; these drinks were served for the high society. The first attempts of chocolate bars, which we know nowadays, date back to the 17th century to London.  
Chocolate flows through the history of mankind. Many nations and civilizations plant the cocoa trees already at the 5th century. But at the very beginning just hot drinks were made from the miracle fruits of this tree; these drinks were served for the high society. The first attempts of chocolate bars, which we know nowadays, date back to the 17th century to London.  
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Every year before Christmas there will come a new flavour. Every city or village should have finally their own chocolate flavour. There will be a competition declared for the best collectors of covers and special prices rof those who collect all the flavours/regions. We want to use cocoa beans at least in fair trade quality and later in organic quality - this will not be main marketing issue, because it is not so important for Czech market right now, but it is an important issue of sustainability. Chocolate have to be financially available for Czechs, but also of adequate price for the higher quality.
Every year before Christmas there will come a new flavour. Every city or village should have finally their own chocolate flavour. There will be a competition declared for the best collectors of covers and special prices rof those who collect all the flavours/regions. We want to use cocoa beans at least in fair trade quality and later in organic quality - this will not be main marketing issue, because it is not so important for Czech market right now, but it is an important issue of sustainability. Chocolate have to be financially available for Czechs, but also of adequate price for the higher quality.


- General information about chocolate in Czech language [http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%8Cokol%C3%A1da]
* General information about chocolate in Czech language http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%8Cokol%C3%A1da
* 50 quotes about chocolate http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/50-quotes-about-chocolate.html
- 50 quotes about chocolate [http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/50-quotes-about-chocolate.html]
* History of Nestlé factory in CZ and SK http://www.nestle.cz/o-Nestle/nestle-v-ceske-a-slovenske-republice/Pages/historie-Nestle-v-CR-a-SR.aspx
* Olšanský, M. (2010): Charakteristika, vlastnosti a výroba různých druhů čokolád. ''Bakalářská práce''. Zlín: UTB. http://dspace.k.utb.cz/bitstream/handle/10563/12057/ol%C5%A1ansk%C3%BD_2010_bp.pdf?sequence=1
- History of Nestlé factory in CZ and SK [http://www.nestle.cz/o-Nestle/nestle-v-ceske-a-slovenske-republice/Pages/historie-Nestle-v-CR-a-SR.aspx]
* Khaire, M. et col. (2011): ''Zotter - Living by chocolate.'' Case study, Harvard Bussines school.
- Olšanský, M. (2010): Charakteristika, vlastnosti a výroba různých druhů čokolád. ''Bakalářská práce''. Zlín: UTB. [http://dspace.k.utb.cz/bitstream/handle/10563/12057/ol%C5%A1ansk%C3%BD_2010_bp.pdf?sequence=1]
- Khaire, M. et col. (2011): ''Zotter - Living by chocolate.'' Case study, Harvard Bussines school.