Students:Jakub Jirků

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I am a student of Environmental studies in Brno although I originally came from Mladá Boleslav. City of Škoda cars company. I am interested about sustainability in many aspects. I was on study exchange program in India, where sustainability and development tasks are very in touch. And thanks to this opportunity I have little focused view on this topic. And we can se that nowadays problems are realy problem on system level.

I am also interested in culture, because sustainable society is in my opinion also society with social, moral, creative and spiritual values. So that promote this Idea we found Eco-Punk band. Our name is Spontanní Sukcese and we play songs about environmental issues.

In this course I would like to learn about some present view on sustainability goals and learn some concrete knowledge and facts about sustainability issues. I think these questions are the most important.

There are many project that I like, mostly in Brno, there are now many shops with local farm products, there is project for car sharing. I also I admire the project Earth-ship, sustainable house, that was build in Czech at last. Near Sazava.

International school of Sustainable Development assessment

Between 30th of March – and 3th of April 2013 I was a participant of International school in Týnec nad Sázavou. It was a good opportunity for me to meet interesting people from different cultures all around the Europe. This is one of the greatest benefits of this course. Sure, inspirational people often were lectors of this course from Portugal, Germany, Romania, Greece and from other counties. Some of the lectures were more beneficial for me some were less interesting. But generally I might say that I have learned some new knowledge, especially about concept of decoupling about water energy and water energetic at all, I also got some new information about waste policies and beneficial was for me lecture about turism. On the other hand many things I already known from my school and sometimes even deeper, but it is not a fault of the course, participants of the course came from different back ground. If I might suggest something for future course of this type, I would suggest maybe focus more on few of specific topics and more accent social dimension of sustainability, role of local communities, environmental education and work with public also more particular examples of sustainable projects may help. This course was beneficial for me and I believe that knowledge a got there I will use in my future job.