Teachers:Antje Disterheft


My name is Antje. I’m German, but live in Portugal since 7.5 years, in the beautiful city of Lisbon. I am doing my PhD at Universidade Aberta (Lisbon, Portugal), in Social Sustainability & Development, focussing in my research on participatory processes in sustainability initiatives at university level.

This year, I participated for the second time as a tutor in the European Virtual Seminar on Sustainable Development, that brought me to the Spring School in Tynec.

My background is in Social Work (in German Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin/Sozialpaedagogin), with a focus on Ecology in the social context and environmental education (University of Applied Sciences in Hannover, Germany). I also did a Master in Environmental Citizenship & Participation at Universidade Aberta, Portugal.

My interests are in ecology, sustainable development implementation at universities, public participation and participatory processes. I also love cycling, yoga and cooking!