Students:Jakub Jirků

Revision as of 13:21, 30 March 2014 by JakubDýn (talk | contribs)

I am a student of Environmental studies in Brno although I originally came from Mladá Boleslav. City of Škoda cars company. I am interested about sustainability in many aspects. I was on study exchange program in India, where sustainability and development tasks are very in touch. And thanks to this opportunity I have little focused view on this topic. And we can se that nowadays problems are realy problem on system level.

I am also interested in culture, because sustainable society is in my opinion also society with social, moral, creative and spiritual values. So that promote this Idea we found Eco-Punk band. Our name is Spontanní Sukcese and we play songs about environmental issues.

In this course I would like to learn about some present view on sustainability goals and learn some concrete knowledge and facts about sustainability issues. I think these questions are the most important.

There are many project that I like, mostly in Brno, there are now many shops with local farm products, there is project for car sharing. I also I admire the project Earth-ship, sustainable house, that was build in Czech at last. Near Sazava.