List of references - civil society

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Bello, Walden (2001). The Future in the Balance: Essays on Globalization and Resistance, Food First Books, Oakland, CA.

Bello, Walden (2002a). What's Wrong with the OXFAM Trade Campaign? Focus on the Global South.

Bello, Walden (2002b). The OXFAM Debate: From Controversy to Common Strategy, Food First.

Castells, Manuel (2000). The Rise of Network Society. Oxford, Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers.

Castells, Manuel (1997). The Power of Identity. Oxford, Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers.

Cavanagh John (ed.) (2004). Alternatives to Economic Globalization: Better World Is Possible, San Francisco : Berrett – Kohler.

George, Susan (1999). A short History of Neoliberalism, text presented at the Conference on Economic Sovereignty in a Globalising World March.

Gilbert, Richard (2000). „Globalization and the Emerging Power of Civil Society Organizations: Prospects for a Three-Sector System of Global Governance,“ PhD Dissertation, Department of International Relations, University of South Carolina, SC.

Inglehart, Ronald (1997). The Silent Revolution: Changing Values and Political Styles Among Western Publics. Princeton : Princeton University Press.

Inglehart, Ronald; Abramson, Paul (1995). Value Change in Global Perspective. Ann Arbor : University of Michidan Press.

Kanbur, Ravi (2003). What Should World Bank Think About the Washington Consensus, [cit. 2003-12-29].

Keck, Margaret E.; Sikking, Kathryn (1998). Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press.

Kees, Breed, Civil Society and Global Governance: Globalization and the Transformation of Politics, in Civil Society and International Development, Amanda Bernard, et al., (Paris: North-South Centre of the Council of Europe & The Development Centre of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 1998), p. 58.

Lebeda, Petr (2003). Globalization – Critical Reconstructions, Journal of International Relations and Development, vol. 6 no 2, pp. 71–85.

Perlas, Nicanor (1999). Shaping Globalization: Civil Society, Cultural Power and Threefolding.

Quarmby, Katharine, Why OXFAM is Failing in Africa. In New Statesman,

Robertson, Roland (1992). Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture. London : Sage.

Simmons, P. J. (1998). Learning to Live with NGOs, Foreign Policy, Fall 1998, 82–97.

Walton, John; Seddon, David (1994). Free Markets and Food Riots: The Politics of Adjustment. Cambridge, Mass : Blackwell.