List of references - Global Governance

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Recommended literature:

McGrew, Anthony (2004) In: David Held (editor). A Globalizing World? Culture, Economics, Politics. London: Routlege, str. 128–167.

Slaughter, Anne-Marie (2004). A New World Order, Princeton University Press, pp. 131–162.

Rischard, J. F. (2002). Highnoon. York : Basic Books, pp. 181–192.

Rifkin, J. (2004). The European Dream. New York : Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, pp. 214–246.

Used literature:

Scholte, J. A. (1997). The Globalization of World Politics. Oxford : Oxford University Press.

Stern, S. and Seligmann, E. The Publications of the Alfred Herrhausen Society (2004). The Partnership Principle: New Forms of Governance in the 21st Century. London : Archetype Publications.

Giddens, Anthony (1990). The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity

Giddens, Anthony (2000) Runaway World. London : Routledge

Nye, Joseph S., Donahue, John D. eds. (2000). Governance in a Globalizing World. Washington D. C.: Brookings Institution Press. Chapter „Globalization and Design of International Institutions“, pp. 297–318, author of the chapter Cary Coglianese.

Literature in Czech

Bauman, Zygmunt (1999). Globalizace. Praha : Mladá Fronta.

Bauman, Zygmunt (2002). Tekutá modernita. Praha : Mladá Fronta.

Barša, Pavel, Císař, Ondřej (2004). Levice v postrevoluční době. Brno : CDK, str. 164 až 180.

Ehl, Martin (2001). Globalizace pro a proti. Praha : Academia, str. 57–72.

Giddens, Anthony (1998). Důsledky modernity. Praha : SLON.

Giddens, Anthony (2000). Unikající svět. Praha : SLON.

Useful internet links: