Students:Second Austrian Sustainability Field Trip

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This is the main information page and work space for the MOSUR Sustainability Field Trip to Graz in the province of Styria, Austria, organised by the Charles University Environment Center with the assistance of the University of Graz. The trip to Graz departs Prague on 8 September 2013 and returns on 13 September.

The students and group leaders of the second sustainability field trip to Graz, Austria, taken outside the JUFA hostel in Eisenerz

Field Trip Programme

File:Graz field trip programme 2013.pdf

Promotional flyers

File:Propagacni plakat exkurze do Rakouska 2013 cz.pdf

File:Promotional leaflet field trip to Austria 2013.pdf

Logistics information

File:Graz field trip 2013 info for students.pdf

Student profiles

Below is a list of students participating in the field trip containing brief information about themselves and their interest in or knowledge of sustainability, followed by their own individual diaries of the week-long excursion.

Robert Ach-Hübner

Lucie Čačalová

Petr Salamon

Monika Klechová

Zuzana Hanelová

Tereza Hanelová

Kristýna Hrbatová

Eliška Hašová

Kristýna Sosnovcová II

Karolína Vlčková

Filip Pokorný

Ivona Janecká

Agnieszka Buchtová

Lucie Hadáčková

Jana Mendeová

Veronika Bortlová

Martin Matuštík

Jana Pýchová

Magda Sumarová

Field trip leaders' profiles

Here you'll find brief information on the leaders of the trip from the Charles University Environment Center and their sustainability background.

Andrew Barton

Martin Zahradnik

Marlene Mader

Mario Diethart

Presentations & resources

File:Introduction SD Mader.pdf



File:Overview of Czech SD.pptx

Situační zpráva ke Strategickému rámci udržitelného rozvoje ČR 2012 (Czech & English)

Work space

The following are the completed assignments undertaken by students during and after the field trip. There are two assignments completed by each work group. The first is a simple analysis and critique of each day of the field trip (each group take responsibility for reporting on one day from the week); the second assignment was to agree upon one element of the week's programme that was the most interesting and analyse it further by applying it to the context of the Czech Republic using references to further information sources.

Group One: Tereza, Zuzana, Monika, Kristyna H

Group Two: Martin, Petr, Aggie

Group Three: Eliška, Kiki, Magda, Veronika

Group Four: Robert, Lucie Č, Jana P & Jana M

Group Five: Filip, Lucie H, Karolina, Ivona

Creative Commons Author: Andrew Barton. This article was published under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. How to cite the article: Andrew Barton. (16. 03. 2025). Students:Second Austrian Sustainability Field Trip. VCSEWiki. Retrieved 14:08 16. 03. 2025) from: <>.

This page was created with support of the OP VK CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0130 Project - Interdisciplinary Sustainable Development Network

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