Students:Magda Sumarová

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Hi everybody, my name's Magda and I am 24 years old. I study molecular biology and genetics on the Faculty of Science in Olomouc. I love this place, the history of the city and the people who live here. I work in an AV ČR experimental botany laboratory and I mainly research wheat genes at flowering time and agriculturally interesting plants.

I love reading books (now I'm reading Child 44), taking photos, travelling and sport. I play volleyball and I am a member of a dragon boat crew called Gentlemani like my friend Veronika, and I am really looking forward to the next races in Znojmo.

The concept of sustainable development: For me it means that industrial production and human behavior is in harmony with the environment, and nature and economic and social development should be consistent with the ecosystem and should be preserved for future generations.