Green University in the Czech Republic

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Green university in Czech Republic


1. Climate neutral Univerzity of Graz - their project and approach to climate protection

2. Problems of the Czech republic and approach to this problem

3. Proposed solutions for Czech universities

4. Literature

1. Climate neutral University of Graz

The university want to totally reduce the greenhouse gases and emission as well the first. The main aim of the project "Klimaneutrale Universität Graz" is decrease of carbon dioxide , its produced by using of traffic, incineration. The head of this project is Christian Kozina. He studied enviromentel sciences and this project is the part of his dissertation project „Nachhaltige Klimaneutralität im Dienstleistungssektor – Transdisziplinäre Fallstudie an der Universität Graz“ (Sustainable climate-neutrality in the service - sector - transdisciplinary case study at the university Graz). The climate-neutrality is included such as strategic aim in the devolopment - plan for the period 2013 -2018.

They want to replace fossile fuels by natural renewable resources. Another possibility is energy consumption and compensate of emissions. This project focuses on mobility, heating, electric current, quality of products. For this aim the new technologies are available, they are acceptable for the environment. This project has a big advantage for the university itself, because the costs were decreased. The university had 25 projects for climate protection since 2004 until 2011. The newest one began in 2011 ("Klimaneutrale Universität Graz"). Within of this projects are making the workshops. Since 05.03.2012 can everybody calculate one's comsumption of CO2 in the „Zero Emission Calculator“ and everybody can describe her solution or ideas of decrease of CO2. Monthly the team of this project organizes the meeting, where everybody can contribute.

I list specific measures for climate protection - the possibility to buy of fair trade products and the to eat in the bio menza, other measure is thermal insulation, transformation for eco-electric current, Solar - electric currect refuelling for the electric - bicycles, parking place were reduced and specific streets in the campus were closed, on the roof can we find the solar panel ( solar boiler - under development, heating of water ), under construction are photovoltaic system.

The University of Graz became 2 honours this year within action Sustainability Awards 2012 in the day 23. April. It won within this categories:

- administration and managemant with mobility strategy ( „UniMobility 4ALL“ )

- education with educational course with „Nachhaltiges Bauen“ ( Sustainable build )

2. Problems of the Czech republic and approach to this problem

When considering applying the Austrian model of a carbon neutral university to Czech circumstances, one must consider the priorities and whether we shouldn´t start off by making smaller steps before focusing on the energy issues which are much complicated issue to start with. The typical university in the Czech Republic is much more dependent on fossil fuels than the Austrian one. As far as the heating and electricity is concerned, Austria is well-known for its long and positive approach to sustainable development concept and renewable sources of energy. However, we would still like to bet he first ´Green University´ in our country and that way set the path for other Czech high education institutions, our project should therefore be first aimed at greening the university by various ´simple´ steps. Possible solutions to addressed problems (or other challenges) will be discussed in the third part of this analysis.

First of all, the actual agenda should be set. We will set up a team of active individuals (ideally around 10 people) who will create the plan of activities. In order to gain information from successful cases of foreign ´green universities´, we will contact University of Lueneburg (Germany), University of Graz (Austria), Lund University (Sweden) to provide us with information, advice and tips how to proceed.

Before we start with a potential campaign, we will investigate our possibilities of obtaining a grant. We would also discuss it with the rector´s office in order to gain support (financial as well as official patronage). At the moment there is a good oportunity to get a O2 Think Big grant which would enable us to finance the activities in our project. For further funding we will consider addressing companies conducting business in the field of renewable energy sources (this could be a tool for attracting students of technical studies – once they join the project, there might be a chance for them to get a scholarship or even a job in cooperating companies).

The next step would be to attract students to the topic and raise awareness about the issue. As far as we are concerned, there is not much knowledge among Czech students about the implementation of sustainable development goals, we would thus start our campaign with questionnaires based on queries related to this topic. In order to enhance the awareness, we will organize lectures and workshops with professionals from cooperating universities. An interactive

3.Proposed solutions for Czech universities

In the last section of our study we would like to propose some solutions, which can be implemented at Czech universities. Cooperation with NGOs and municipality can facilitate the students’ initiation.

We identified huge potential within the mobility issue, where many different actions could be applied. Students and staff members can significantly reduce their ecological footprint by riding their bike on a way to university and around the entire town. Therefore, we should encourage them to do that and also improve the conditions for such activity.

We will start with different campaigns explaining positives of cycling, which we identify not just in environmental, but also health issues. Students riding their bike on a way to school will be awarded by T-shirts presenting our campaigns. In the near future, we are also planning to realize some competitions, e.g. in a total number of kilometres ridden by members of different faculties.

Conditions for cycling around Czech towns and cities are not very well developed. We are planning to establish cooperation with municipal government to improve this situation. Bike stands installed around the buildings of the university, together with facilities for service would be very helpful for cyclists. At some universities, where students have to travel between different faculties, bike rental system should be developed together with bicycle paths connecting faculties and libraries.

In addition to bike mobility, we are planning to promote also public transport, since there is not possibility for everybody to travel just by bike. Public transport significantly reduces emissions and environmental impacts in comparison with private vehicles [1].

Apart from mobility question, green university should also cope with other issues, such as waste management, procurement, food consumption, heating or electricity. As we have already mentioned, heating and electricity matters appear to be quite difficult for the starting phase of the project. At the beginning, we will start with campaigns for electricity savings, because they can be easily achieved by the change of students´ behaviour. That´s why we are planning to attach posters next to light switchers.

Recycling of materials is another very important tool in reducing the ecological footprint. It´s important so separate different kinds of waste at Czech universities, such as paper, plastics, aluminium and other metals, glass, Tetra pak, batteries or biological waste. Waste minimisation and reuse of waste are even more important steps that come before the recycling. We would like to convince students and staff members to change their behaviour in consonance with these concepts. For example, we are planning to start a campaign promoting tap water instead of bottled one.

Introduction of green procurement at Czech universities seems to be a difficult and time-demanding task. Students should try to convince their universities, canteens and cafeterias to choose environmentally friendly products, together with local and Fair Trade commodities. Libraries and staff members should use recycled paper and print on both sides, which is sometimes not happening these days.

4. Literature

[] Klimaneutrale Universität Graz,[online] URL: <

[] KOZINA, Ch., Climate Neutral University of Graz,[online] [cit. 11.9.2012]

URL: < >

[] KOZINA, Ch.,Die Universität Graz wird klimaneutral,WHAT'S UP ZUR ENERGIEWENDEKONFERENZ JUNI 2012 [online] [cit. 16. Juni 2012]

URL: < >

[] Nachhaltige Univesitäten - Sustainability Award am 23. April 2012 zum 3. Mal verliehen[online] [cit. 27.06.2012 ]

URL: < >

[] Uni Graz will Energieverbrauch reduzieren[online] [cit. 06.03.2012]

URL: < Uni Graz will Energieverbrauch reduzieren >