Green University in the Czech Republic
Osnova projektu číslo 1 - Green University:
1. Introduction - ´Case Study´ - Uni of Graz (description of their projects) and their approach to CO2 neutral concept (obsession)
The main aim of this projekt "Klimaneutrale Universität Graz" is decrease of carbon dioxide, its produced by using of traffic, incineration. They want to replace fossile fuel by natural renewable resources. Another possibility is energy consumption and compensate of emissions. This project focus on mobility, heating, electric current, quality of products. For this aim are available the new technologies, the are acceptable for enviroment. Many companies are eco-friendly and they have ISO certificate. This projekt have a big advantage for the university oneself, because the cost were increased. The university had 25 projects for klima protection since 2004 until 2011. The newest one began in 2011 ("Klimaneutrale Universität Graz"). Under the terms of this projekts are making the workshops. Since 05.03.2012 can everybody calculate one's comsumption of CO2 and everybody can describe your solve or ideas of increase of CO2. Monthly make the team of this project the meeting - everybody can to contribute.
2. Problems of the , our - CZech - approach (less CO2 neutral, more green in the principle)initial stage:
possible steps to solving them (getting contact, communication, P.R.)
- cooperation with universities abroad (Graz etc.) - money - grants (O2 Think Big and others?) - cooperation with companies (solar panels etc., thus getting involved technical students (also potential workers for the sposnor companies) - from the university itself? - introducing the project to the influential people at the uni (also the mayor?) - setting the agenda - students´ awareness (questionairres, debates, lectures with foreign specialists, workshops, field trips, brochures, web page with carbon footprint calculator and tips about the possible changes to the greener, rewards - credits, contests for green prizes, clima neutral festival - bike, games, climate stickers to the stairs, how much CO2 you produce when...)
3. Concrete Czech solutions - mobility - bike stands; you ride a bike, you get a T-shirt; bike paths to school from all possible directions - place it on the web; bike rental place; service booth
- promotion of public transport - cooperation with NGOs - scholars could work on that - electricity - CZ isn´t Austria, just the description of the situation in our country - waste - food (buffet with local products, organic and FT stuff) - environmentally friendly cleaning products - recycled paper everywhere; one-sided paper for a cheaper printing
Inspirace č. 2
Může být čokoládovna a lá Zotter v Česku?
1) situace s čokoládovnami v Česku - hlavní výrobci, podíl na trhu, spotřeba čokolády v Česku.
nejprodávanější čokolády na českém trhu - Orion - Nestlé, Zora Olomouc - Nestlé, Milka - Kraft Foods, Figaro Bratislava - kraft
fair Trade a bio čokolády prodávané v Česku - Rapunzel, Vivani, Mascao,
drobné české čokoládovny - družstvo Čoko klasik Česká Třebová, Čokoládovny Fikar Kuřim, Čokoládovna Chocogastro Pustiměř, Čokoládovna Carletti Vizovice
2) The succes of Zotter chocolate factory
Josef Zotter founded his enterprise in 1999. Zotter managed to find the reason why people buy chocolate - they seek experience and added value more than just to eat something sweet. Key elements of his success are:
- high-quality chocolate with bold, even sensational flavours, which attract public interest naturally without spending on advertising
- artistic packages, nearly true pieces of art, which sell themselves just through the emotions from visual experience
Nowadays over 200.000 visitors come each year to visit "chocolate theatre", experiential trail along the factory, where you can taste enormous number of chocolate flavours and watch all the parts of chocolate-making process.
What is sustainable on the Zotter chocolates?
- it is a Austrian-owned factory, making economical profit for Styria, employing over 100 of local people and attracting tourists to the region = economical and social pillar of sustainability
- all the chocolate is Fair Trade and organic, = environmental pillar of sustainability
3) příležitosti a bariéry pro přenesení modelu Zotter do Česka - případně SWOT analýza, zjištění, že by to tak úplně nefungovalo, ale dají se z toho vzít určité prvky
4) projekt Geografické čokolády - podnikatelský záměr, regiony, příchutě, prodej
Česká (družstevní?) čokoládovna vyrábějící ryze pro český trh, která používá fair trade a bio suroviny, staví na velmi dobrých obalech a originálních příchutích, ale motivem k nákupu je příslušnost k určitému regionu - senzace hlavně pro turisty, prodej na informačních centrech (hlavně příslušný region, ale stojan s kompletním výběrem). A lá turistické známky, které se v Česku velmi ujaly. Případně reprezentace českých regionů v zahraničí.
Příklady příchutí: Ostrava - 70% tmavá čokoláda, Ústí - 50% hnědá čokoláda, Jižní Morava - vínová/hroznová čokoláda, Jizerské hory/Šumava - borůvková čokoláda, Zlínsko - ovocná/slivovicová čokoláda, Olomoucko - tvarůžková čokoláda, Plzeň - pivní čokoláda, Valašsko - frgálová čokoláda, Krnov - kofolová čokoláda