Ore mountains - social and economic conditions
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Regions of the Czech Republic
- A map of the towns, districts and regions of the Czech Republic http://obce.sweb.cz/;
- Numbers of inhabitants in towns of the Most-Usti district http://obce.sweb.cz/okresy/ul_most.htm
- Basic census statistics (2002) for all regions in the Czech Republic: http://obce.sweb.cz/rekap/aa_kraje_km2.htm
Ústí region
- Usti region http://www.kr-ustecky.cz/EN/, official website
- Sustainable Development Strategy of the Ústí region: Environment p. 18 20
- Business information http://www.businessinfo.cz/en/article/regions/usti-region/1001062/15142/ (en) - basic business information about the Usti region
- The Industrial Zone Triangle : http://www.kr-ustecky.cz/en/triangle_en.asp (en)
- The Usti Region Industrial Zones http://investor.kr-ustecky.cz/prum_zony_en/ (en)
- The Usti Region Production Areas (Halls) http://investor.kr-ustecky.cz/najemni_haly/ (cz)
- GIS Projects: The Industrial zones of the Usti region: http://ims.kr-ustecky.cz/prumyslove_zony_en/ (en)
- New water power plants in the Ore mountains (cz)
- Comparison of the economic situation of households in different Czech regions: http://www.zlin.czso.cz/csu/2009edicniplan.nsf/t/78003484BB/$File/13820905.pdf (cz)
Social effects
- Mininig industry http://www.czechcoal.cz/en/profil/skupina/region.html (en)