Isoman copper mine (hypothetical case study)/Isoman copper mine solution
Isoman copper mine should be built!
… In our time of today, we must be flexible! That’s the most important thing besides being open for (sometimes risky) changes. Of course, the traditional way of life might work in certain places and areas. Maybe the copper mine will destroy the traditional ways of production in the Isoman state where farming is the main source of income. But an ending could also be a new beginning! There’s a chance of a new life, perhaps a better one with more wealth. Of course the workers have to develop their knowledge and get the know-how. But it’s possible and then they would have new jobs with new tasks – not always doing the same. And the Isoman state gets a chance to participate on the world market. That’s a great opportunity which I think has to be taken.
But it’s not only the fact that workers could develop and get a new workplace. If workers from another place come to Isoman state to find work, they might need a home to live there. That’s good for the economy because the consumption increases. If the workers bring their family with them, the other family members might need jobs. So the whole economy profits from it.
So in my opinion the villagers should give up their traditional farming and try to become a part of the copper mine project so that the Isoman state becomes an international known area. New workplaces mean new opportunities which bring benefit, education and a technological progress.
…In my opinion the nations that promote individualism (the "western world") are also the most productive and successful portion of mankind. It is a positive developement for European nations that they established the European Union and that this integration is further deepened. Also the current evolution towards certain power blocs in the world is a good thing, because it spurs competition between nations. But what good might come from a single "world government"? Would it even be democratic? I think every country should be able to decide on its own what sort of government it constitutes and what agenda it follows, knowing that no other nations interfere and respects its integrity.
…Not the number but the importance of the single advantages and disadvantages are crucial to decide towards or against the copper mine building. For me, the chances for the Isoman Province are too promising to be rejected, since the possibility of risks turning into negative consequences can be minimised.
…To become part of the process of globalisation and the developed world the project of this Isomine Copper Mine is to be supported.
Indeed we are concerned about the risks but if this project will not get carried through now, no one can guarantee that there will be no investment or project like this in future that will be realized maybe in a more uncontrolled way and is going to cause damages.
…If this project won’t be realized it could happen that a bigger and more dangerous project would be build a few years later. … If these regulations were accomplished and considered the cooper mine will have a positive impact on the region and its inhabitants.
…but under certain conditions:
organisation and leadership should be affirmed in a contract so that the environmental pollution, even if it would be very little - which has obviously not that high degree of probability - that the intervention in the ecosystem should be compensated in a sustainably way…
…to give the production AND management of the Isoman products in the hands of the state level. It's the nation's goods which are rising in value, so first of all the nation should be empowered to profit. But of course, it is not said that the nation always makes the best, the most harmless and the most sustainable rights and decisions.
…with the development of a functional compensation system under the charge of the UN in the same time.
… the contract within state and the contractor has to be clear and environment friendly (easy to say but hard in the application). The local interest has to be maintained from labor, resources, and economy empowerment.
…With this and the Isoman issue in mind I would strongly suggest that a much larger share of the worlds GDP is spent on increasing efficiency and education. It is much easier to communicate this between nations than certain ambitious climate conferences style of dictating unrealistic demands to the world community. While economy and environment might be at odds today (a sad thing when it comes to the rain forest) this route of a greater fixed percentage of investment into technology and education might help to alleviate this situation in a better way than the GPG-approach of e.g. pollution abatement.
… Unfortunately we do not know enough of the Isoman Province to decide a concrete agenda. I like the idea of the government having huge influence on the organisation. Furthermore, the money from the copper mine needs to be invested, from my point of view, we cannot exactly say in what, though. Surely nature and education, but for me this is way too airy to be a satisfactory result.