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[[Modes of Incorporation full text]] | [[Modes of Incorporation full text]] | ||
== | ==Migrant incorporation under conditions of globalization: the rise of transnational communities== | ||
Globalization reduces the power of the nation-state. Increasing mobility, especially through communication and cheap travel allows people to challenge the idea that a person belongs to one nation-state. Transnational communities, or diaspora, have existed for centuries, for instance the Jews, African slaves in the New World, Greek and Arab trading groups etc. but the number of such communities is increasing. This is facilitated by time space compression, partly technological in character, partly social/cultural. If the loyalty of transational community members is not to a particular nation-state, then what does loyalty relate to? These communities are sometimes portrayed as cosmopolitan hybrids, and sometimes as having a feeling of identification with other people of the same ethnic group, wherever they are. | Globalization reduces the power of the nation-state. Increasing mobility, especially through communication and cheap travel allows people to challenge the idea that a person belongs to one nation-state. Transnational communities, or diaspora, have existed for centuries, for instance the Jews, African slaves in the New World, Greek and Arab trading groups etc. but the number of such communities is increasing. This is facilitated by time space compression, partly technological in character, partly social/cultural. If the loyalty of transational community members is not to a particular nation-state, then what does loyalty relate to? These communities are sometimes portrayed as cosmopolitan hybrids, and sometimes as having a feeling of identification with other people of the same ethnic group, wherever they are. | ||
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[[Migrant Incorporation Under Conditions of Globalisation full text]] | [[Migrant Incorporation Under Conditions of Globalisation full text]] | ||
=== | ===Transnational communities and global cities=== | ||
It is suggested that immigrants find their sense of identity primarily at the level of the city, that there is a sense of sub-national belonging. | It is suggested that immigrants find their sense of identity primarily at the level of the city, that there is a sense of sub-national belonging. | ||
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[[Transnational Comunities and Global Cities full text]] | [[Transnational Comunities and Global Cities full text]] | ||
=== | ===Significance of transnational communities for national identity=== | ||
Governments of emigration countries often try to retain a strong link between the immigrants and the homeland, as this can bring economic, cultural and political benefits. This can be advantageous for migrants – in societies where they experience racism and marginalization, mobilizing community solidarity and transnational links can be a source of strength. Multicultural, cosmopolitan communities also negotiate cross-border links and bring cultural and economic openness and opportunities. | Governments of emigration countries often try to retain a strong link between the immigrants and the homeland, as this can bring economic, cultural and political benefits. This can be advantageous for migrants – in societies where they experience racism and marginalization, mobilizing community solidarity and transnational links can be a source of strength. Multicultural, cosmopolitan communities also negotiate cross-border links and bring cultural and economic openness and opportunities. | ||
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[[Significance of transnational communities for national identity full text]] | [[Significance of transnational communities for national identity full text]] | ||
=== | ===Transnational communities and citizenship=== | ||
If flows are replacing spaces as the site of economic and social organization, citizenship can no longer be attached to a single nation-state. About half the world’s countries now recognize dual citizenship: emigration countries benefit from the remittances, technology transfer and political support ensured by emigrants. Immigration countries benefit form this arrangement in terms of improving social relations and integration of minorities, preventing social disadvantage being connected to ethnicity. | If flows are replacing spaces as the site of economic and social organization, citizenship can no longer be attached to a single nation-state. About half the world’s countries now recognize dual citizenship: emigration countries benefit from the remittances, technology transfer and political support ensured by emigrants. Immigration countries benefit form this arrangement in terms of improving social relations and integration of minorities, preventing social disadvantage being connected to ethnicity. | ||
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*Stephen Castles: International Migration Review, Vol. 36, No. 4, Host Societies and the Reception of Immigrants: Institutions, Markets and Policies. (Winter, 2002), pp. 1143-1168. | *Stephen Castles: International Migration Review, Vol. 36, No. 4, Host Societies and the Reception of Immigrants: Institutions, Markets and Policies. (Winter, 2002), pp. 1143-1168. | ||
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