Students:German Sustainability Field Trip

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This is the main information page and work space for the MOSUR Sustainability Field Trip to Lüneburg in Lower Saxony, Germany, organised by the Charles University Environment Center with the assistance of the Leuphana University Lüneburg. The trip to Lüneburg departs Prague on 9 June 2013 and returns on 14 June.

Field Trip Programme

The Algae House at the IBA International Housing Exhibition in Hamburg

Student profiles

Below is a list of students participating in the field trip containing information about themselves and their interest in sustainability, followed by their own individual diaries of the week-long excursion.

Trip leaders' profiles

Here you'll find brief information on the leaders of the trip from the Charles University Environment Center and their sustainability background.

Andrew Barton

Dana Kapitulčinová


Key Words



  • Planetary Boundaries - Röckström et al. 2009 [2]
  • The Limits to Growth - Meadows et al., 1972 (+ updates)
  • The Systems Thinking Playbook: Exercises to stretch and build learning and systems thinking capabilities - Sweeney, L. B., & Meadows, D. Chelsea Green Publishing, 1995
  • Silent Spring - Carson, Rachel (2002) [1st. Pub. Houghton Mifflin, 1962]. Mariner Books. ISBN 0-618-24906-0.


  • RSPB - The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK, [3]
  • OIKOS - [4]
  • Ecological footprint - [5]
  • TED talks - [6]
  • Alfred Toepfer Academy for Nature Conservation (NNA) - [7]
  • The Cloud Institute - sustainability fish game [8]

Field Trip Diary

Day One - arrival in Lüneburg

Day Two - the sustainability concept at Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Day Three - sustainable campus and renewable energy

Day Four - nature conservation & sustainable agriculture

Day Five - politics, participation and urban development

Day Six - regional development and sustainability

  Author: Andrew Barton. This article was published under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. How to cite the article: Andrew Barton. (16. 02. 2025). Students:German Sustainability Field Trip. VCSEWiki. Retrieved 14:02 16. 02. 2025) from: <>.

This page was created with support of the OP VK CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0130 Project - Interdisciplinary Sustainable Development Network