My name is Tereza Hanelová and currently I am 21 years old student of Palacky University in Olomouc. I come from a small village, where I still live with my family. After finishing my high school studies, as person of many interets, it was quite a deal for me to choose the right field, in which I would like to relize. Finally I decided for the Law. Right now I am in my third year and I am trying to use as many oppurtunities for my professional and academic future as its possible.I am interested mainly in the field of human rights and International law - thats are the issues with which I would like to deal later. For my whole life I have tried to be active - learning new languages, travelling, meeting new people with different opinions and views of the world, what could bbe better? But I am trying not to concentrate only my personal problems, I am aware of the fact that our society is dealing with lots of problems, which are not good to ignore. Thats the reason, why I have decide to partipate in this field trip - to get more information and knowledges about this still more important topic. Under the term "suistanable development" I understand an effort to reach a state, in which the there is a good economical prosperity, but not for the prize of complete destroying of our enviroment. According to this idea we shoud avoid of useless using of non-renewable resources and try to behave with more respect to our ecosystems.