Students:Eliška Hašová

Something about me

I'm 21 years old. I study Technical University of Liberec. My subject of study is Geography, specifically Applied Geography. I like reading and doing sports. I'm a BIG fan of hockey and I support our team HC Bili Tygri. My dream is to see some of a NHL games live. I also like going on trips and experiencing new things. And maybe these facts and my love for nature were the main reasons why I did enroll for this trip. I'm looking forward to meet new people and gain new knowledge.

Concept of sustainability

I've already heard about this concept at university, at a subject called Sustainable development. We did not study it in depth. But I understood it as follows: it should be a way how to regulate human activity to maintain environmental comfort and social development, but also to prevent hazing and exploitation of nature. The result should be that we (as a generation) would leave the natural environment for the next generation in the same(or even better) state in which we ,,received" it. In my opinion it is a great thought and it should be aplied to every human activity. But, as most of a great thoughts, it is frequently misusing by politicans (or by other companies) for their political propaganda without really knowing what this concept means and how to aplly it.


Day 1

- city tour Lüneburg - interesting architecture, plenty of greenery - Maik Adomssent's presentation - good intoduction to the concept of sustainability, inspiring ,,life story of Mr Adomssent (it shows that anything is possible if we'd want to) - oikos workshop - inspiring insight into possibilities of students at university, different and (in my opinion) high-efficiency way of study at university with emphasis on practice

Day 2

-Alexa Lutzenberger's presentation -