Personal info
Name and surname: Kateřina Racková
Age: 24
Education: International development studies, Department of development, Faculty of science, Palacký University in Olomouc... (half completed, only diploma thesis needs to be done)
Interests: advanturous travelling around developing countries, technology, nature
Experience: ERASMUS at Sheffield Hallam in the UK: Environmental studies; voluntary projects in Morocco in 2010 and in Ghana in 2012; teaching English and Geography to students of all age groups ranging from nursery to high school
My view of sustainability:
Sustainability is an ambiguous concept starting with the basic definition of sustainable development invented by Gro Harlem Bruntland in 1987 in the document "Our common future". According to this document sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future generations to meet their needs. This definition is very anthropocentric therefore I prefer definitions which contain also environmental aspect.
In my view all the aspects needto be harmonbised. Development should be socially equitable, economically viable and environmentally friendly. Fundamental changes are necessary in order to prevent human race extinction as our current development is definitelly not sustainable. Both renewable and non-renewable exhaustible resources are being depleted, our industry and agriculture consume more energy than they produce and together with households they produce enourmous amount of waste and pollution therefore overload ecosystem services.
Humans need to learn how to live within the Eraths carrying capacity. The best way how to do that is to let us be inspired by nature. The most perfect and sustainable technollogies we try to invent already exist! In addition to technological aspects we alsoí need to change our values and lifestyle from consumer culture to non-materialistic one.
The best solution is to combine this bottom-up approach with top-down approach. WHat the world needs most in the present is political will, posibilly widely respected international organisation or a charismatic leader who will desighn and guide us through transition from consumer capitalistic system to sustainabiliy. However, it may be painful process and many people and corporations will fight against the transition...