Case study: Project ECOPROFIT

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In the week from 10th to 15th September the group of fifteen Czech students has attended of sustainability field trips to the province of Styria in Austria organized by the Charles University Environment Centre as part of the MOSUR project. The field trip has been focused on the sustainable development in Austria, especially in city of Graz and on the province of Styria. Students have met with different stakeholders of sustainable development in this region.

In Ústecký kraj we can use local sources. This area is known only for coal mining. Tourism in Ústecký kraj is one of the lowest in the Czech republic. Therefore, in our project, we expect an increase a tourism. The first step is to no-breach coal mining limits and revitalization of demaged areas. The question of breaching of mining limits and of damage next villages brings the uncertainty. People in towns dont renovate their houses and houses break up.

The second step will be to improve the lack of advertising for the Ústí region – there are many beautiful castles (Střekov in Ústí nad Labem, Hasištejn near Prunéřov, Děčín, Libočany near Žatec, Jezeří and Červený Hrádek near Most), National park Bohemian Schwitzerland, Landscape park Central Bohemian Uplands, Nature Park Ore Mountains, interesting lookout towers (Děčínský Sněžník, Klínovec) and many other sights. As a model we can use the Austrian Zotter chocolate factory, Gölles – producer of bio-vinegard and schnaps or private hotel with microbrewery.

To improve sustainable develepement in our region we propose several solutions:

1) PR Unfortunately many people don´t know about our national parks and protected areas. We propose the model of the Austrian national parks promotion on workshops, fairs and exhibitions in all major cities in region.

2) Local sources Our project is based on raw local materials. For example in the district Žernoseky we can find sprawling vineyards. So in this area would be appropriate to build family hotels. In hotels (or guesthouses) would offer products from local sources, such as wine, home-made honey products, bio-vinegard. Similar situation could be near the city Most (there are vineyards on rekultivated areas – hills Špičák and Hněvín). Another option is built eco-farms with sales of home-made ecological products. In Ústí region we can find several eco-farms, but there is no advertising. There is absence cooperation between farms, so they could start to cooperate and create a network with eco-products. In Ore Mountains there are good conditions to found new eco-farms. Most hotels and guesthouses offers modern facillites with modern comfort. Hotels can be built in an unusual style to attract turist. For example in region Žatecko hotel with microbrewery, interior of the hotel could respond village cottage from 19th century.