Students:Day 4

Revision as of 22:28, 13 September 2012 by Tomaschabada (talk | contribs)

It´s been a very cold and rainy day today. The temperature was/is only 12 degrees Celsius. Yet the programme was really interesting. We went to Gleisdorf - the Solar City - where we listened to a very long yet interesting speech of a man from the energy company Feistritzwerke STEWEAG GmbH feeding our heads with many numbers which made us totally confused. Then, also outside, in the freezing cold he showed us various types of photovoltaic panels, discussing the prices, warranties, lifespans etc. We could also walk through The Solar Street and watch the electric car being loaded.

The second part of the excursion was about biomass. We went inside, where we had opportunity to explore the heating system of the company, which works on biofuel. Different plants and seeds that can be used to produce fuel were also exhibited at this section. Company uses mostly colza oil bought at the stock market. Two generators are capable to meet the need of the enterprise. Moreover, company also sells biological fuel at the pump machine placed on the side of the building. It provides an opportunity for people to run their cars in more sustainable way,