Students:Sunday, Day Two

Revision as of 08:58, 6 September 2012 by Andrew (talk | contribs)

Breakfast at 8.00 and then off on foot by 9.00 to Jezeří Chateau on foot through the forest via a short stop at Dřevárský rybník on the way for a very bracing swim.

Dramatic views of the Czechoslovak Army Mine from just behind Jezeří Chateau. The chateau custodian, Mrs Krejčová, wasn't there when we arrived, but another of the chateau guides took us through the building and introduced the students to the history of the complex and current efforts to restore it.

Jezeri Chateau and the Czechoslovak Army Mine

Not much time for a break before we had to start walking through the forest to Horní Jiřetín where we arrived just in time to catch the bus back to Hora Svaté Kateřiny. Back at the hotel, Jana Dlouhá explained to the students an assignment to begin mapping stakeholder relationships before she had to leave for a conference.

Horní Jiřetín deputy mayor Vladimir Buřt arrived just before 6 to say that he couldn't attend the school today, but would come tomorrow instead. Andrew Barton therefore delivered a presentation on the history of the city of Most instead which looked at the various factors that facilitated the destruction of the old city. Finally, the students were asked to form themselves into five groups representing a different local stakeholder.

More images: Day Two Photos