VCSE Guidebook/Conclusions/Bibliography

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7.5. Bibliography

Arnold, R.; Lermen, M. (2002). Multimediales Lernen in der Erwachsenenbildung. In: PÄD-Forum: unterrichten, erziehen. Vol. 30 (6), p. 456–460.

Bijnens, H., Boussemaere, M., Rajagopal, K., Op de Beeck, I., & Van Petegem, W. (2006). European cooperation in education through Virtual Mobility - a best-practice manual. Heverlee: EUROPACE izvw.

Brey, C. (Ed.). (2007). Guide to virtual mobility. Report e-move project, European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU).

Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The Treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Paris: UNESCO. Dittler U. et al. (eds.) (2005). E-Learning in Europe – Learning Europe. How have new media contributed to the development of higher education? Waxmann, 2005. S. 295-315. Dondi, C. et. al. (2005). European E-Learning from Supranational Perspectives. In: Dittler Ullrich et al. (eds.), 2005. S. 295-315. Freeman, C. (1991). Networks of Innovators: A Synthesis of Research Issues. Research Policy, 20, 499-514. Geser, G. (2007). Open Educational Practices and Resources. OLCOS Roadmap 2012. Koschatzky, K. (2001). Räumliche Aspekte im Innovationsprozess. Ein Beitrag zur neuen Wirtschaftsgeographie aus Sicht der regionalen Innovationsforschung Berlin/Hamburg/Münster: Lit. Markkula, M. (2004): eLearning in Finland. Enhancing Knowledge-based Society Development. Gummerus. Jyväskylä. Oerlemans, L. et. al. (2007). “Regional Innovation Networks”, In: Rutten / Boekema (Eds.), 2007. pp. 160-183. Ohmae, K. (1995): The end of the nation state: the rise of regional economics. New York: The Free. Oliver, C. (1990). Determinants of interorganizational relationships: integration and future directions, Academy of Management Review, 1990, 15, pp. 241-65.

Scheff, J. (2001). Learning Regions. Regional Networks as an Answer to Global Challenges. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. Strebel, H. (2003). Innovations- u- Technologiemanagment. Wien: WUV. Sydow, J. (1992). Strategische Netzwerke: Evolution und Organisation. Wiesbaden: Gabler.