Does the globalization of media lead to homogenization?

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The global village

"Today, after more than a century of electric technology, we have extended our central nervous system in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned." (McLuhan 1964) The idea of McLuhan's view of electronical technology is that it has become an "extension of our senses, particularly those of sight and sound" (Symes 1995). He sees the telephone and the radio as a long-distance ear and the television and computer as a long-distance eye. Through the electronical technology we get the chance to see and hear things that are not in our range, without changing our position. So the term "global village" symbolizes the modern world that coalesces to one village through electronical networking. It's about communicating with people all over the world without a physical nearness.

The basic precept of McLuhan's "global village" is that the speed of the technological progress has an impact on our everyday life. "We are increasingly linked together across the globe" (Symes 1995) what enables us to connect with people around the world as quickly as is takes us to contact people within splitting distance. McLuhan argues that "it is the speed of these electronic media that allows us to act and react to global issues at the same speed as normal face to face verbal communication. [...] As electrically contracted, the globe is no more than a village. Electric speed at bringing all social and political functions together in a sudden implosion has heightened human awareness of responsibilty to an intense degree" (McLuhan 1964). The effect McLuhan sees is that we become aware of our global responsibility. We are not alone in this world and we need to care about the others just as for us. The globalization of the media intensifies our awareness.

Homogenization or just a new diversity?


See also,0,0,Globalisierung_der_Medien_und_transkulturelle_Kommunikation.html



Humphreys, Peter: Nationale Medienpolitik und Internationalisierung des Mediensystems. Aus: Roß, Dieter; Wilke, Jürgen: Umbruch in der Medienlandschaft. München 1991, 1.Auflage

Jarren, Otfried, Meier, Werner A.: Globalisierung der Medienlandschaft und ihre medienpolitische Bewältigung: Ende der Medienpolitik oder neue Gestaltungsformen auf regionaler und nationaler Ebene? Aus: Brunkhorst, Hauke; Kettner, Matthias: Globalisierung und Demokratie. Wirtschaft, Recht, Medien. Frankfurt am Main 2000, 1.Auflage

Hepp, Andreas: Translokale Medienkulturen: Netzwerke der Medien und Globalisierung. Aus: Konnektivität, Netzwerk und Fluss. Konzepte gegenwärtiger Medien-, Kommunikations- und Kukturtheorie. Wiesbaden 2006, 1.Auflage

Kellner, Douglas: Medienkultur, Kritik und Demokratie. Köln 2005

McLuhan, Marshall: Understanding Media: The extensions of Man. o.O. 1964


Donges, Patrick; Jarren, Otfried: Globalisierung der Medien? Medienpolitik in der Informationsgesellschaft

Hepp, Dr. phil. Andreas: Globalisierung und Medien: Globalisierung von Medienkommunikation

Müller, Eggo: Globalisierung und Medien. Bericht eines ortsgebundenen Lesers

Symes, Benjamin: Marshall McLuhan's 'Global Village'. o.O. 1995