Students:Veronika Kupková

About me

Hello, I am Veronika and I study Geography and Social Sciences for Further Education in Plzen (ZČU). My Master Thesis deals with the High Tatra Mountains from the point of geomorphometry. I really enjoyed the practical training at grammar school this spring and hope to find a teacher-position in the future.

I enjoy performing "geo-hobbies" in my free time (geocaching, hiking, cycling, traveling, scouting) and also trying to learn some new art techniques (= great way how to relax mentally).

The first time I participated at CZP CUNI event was in September 2012 - International Summer School of Regional Development (in the Ore Mts.) - and consequently in the Programme on Sustainability (e-learning).


We have already discussed the principles and background of Sustainable Development concept - now I see the most important thing about it is probably one´s (political) will. We may discuss how important the role of the politics is (e. g. various regulations or prohibitions) but there must be individual´s persuasion to start a way of sustainable living. Hopefully, there will be a chance to witness it through our Sustainability Field Trip:-)


Sunday 9th June

We all met in front of Fantova kavárna in Prague, full of optimism and enthusiasm. Only one co-traveler missed our departure due to the lack of time orientation:-) After very long but safe journey to Lüneburg our bus stopped near the Restaurant im Sportpark. The smell from its kitchen revealed that our dinner is being served right now. Consequently, we played a short name-game to know each other and then discussed little bit our SD perceptions and viewpoints.

Monday 10th June

The second day started with delicious breakfast and sunny walk to the city of Lüneburg. We met our guides from the Leuphana University and went throught the city centre enjoying a guided tour. Crossing the old streets full of Hanseatic houses reminded me middle ages atmosphere. We saw also some „pregnant“ houses which have dropped down for centuries due to the salt mining activity under them. However, the salt gave to the city its glance and fame that time. Afterwards we visited the Uni campus where we enjoyed „organic“ lunch and then heard about SD concept and how the sustainable campus is running. Secondly, two students introduced us the OIKOS initiative and we took part in their workshop.

Tuesday 11th June

Our third day started with a presentation at the University. It was focused on the energetic strategy of Lüneburg district (which is supposed to be 100 % of renewables in fifty years), and after that we discussed the preferences of the renewable resources and its consequences. Than we saw the particular actions towards the sustainability (e.g. long-term cups for coffee that were designed by the students instead of paper ones; university "garden" where one can plant his own vegetables; and many more) during our campus guided tour. The day continued with the visit of old landfill in New Wulmstorf near Hamburg. We saw very interesting presentation and also experienced a guided tour through the landfill (it is now a renewable-resources park - solar, wind, biogas). Consequently, we drove across the Hamburg container port (the second largest port in Europe) and spent some free time in the city centre (the Elbe Tunnel (1911), or the old docks which are used nowadays as a market for "Middle East" commodities).

Wednesday 12th June

The day four was dedicated to the Nature Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture. It began at the Academy for Nature Conservation (Schneverdingen, Hof Mohr) with the discussion about the environmental activities and events provided there. The place itself is situated close to the moores in the middle of the forest. There was also a root water cleaner, a small pond, a herbs-garden and lots of birdhouses. The place perfectly fits into the concept of environmental education. Afterwards we moved to the Lüneburger Heide (moores) where we enjoyed a short walk with Jan (heath ranger). He told us about the history of this region (glaciation - trade of 3 commodities - burning the forest - migration - nature park) and took us close to the sheep herd (for some students the first experience ever:-). In contrast with Romania or FYROM, all the shepherd´s dogs were very nice and friendly! We spent the second half of the day in the village of Amelinghausen and its surroundings. Firstly, we enjoyed an organic lunch at the Baukhof farm. Consequently, the farmer guided us through the farm and nearby fields, and explained how it works. The history of the farm is very long (* 1932) as well as the "organic" tradition (end of 70s). We finished the day with a short geocaching walk close to the accomodation site - with three founded caches:-)

Thursday 13th June

At the beginning of the fifth day we met representatives of Die Grünen and NGO (DialogN) who are currently acting in local politics and active citizenship. Their presentations sparked up consequently a long debate and also initiated lots of questions. Than we enjoyed the last sunny day - during the lunchtime. The second aim of the day was to visit International Building Exhibition (IBA) in Hamburg. There were various projects presented at the site dealing with the energy sufficiency, new materials (e.g. algae isolation system) and sustainable living. There is a tendency to create from the town´s periphery a comfortable place for living (the Elbe Island), and also to reuse the industrial brownfields in that area.

Friday 14th June