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2. Problems of the , our - CZech - approach (less CO2 neutral, more green in the principle)initial stage:
possible steps to solving them (getting contact, communication, P.R.)
  - cooperation with universities abroad (Graz etc.)
  - money - grants (O2 Think Big and others?)
          - cooperation with companies (solar panels etc., thus getting involved technical students (also potential workers for the sposnor companies)
          - from the university itself?
  - introducing the project to the influential people at the uni (also the mayor?)
  - setting the agenda - students´ awareness (questionairres, debates, lectures with foreign specialists, workshops, field trips, brochures, web page with carbon footprint calculator and tips about the possible changes to the greener, rewards - credits, contests for green prizes, clima neutral festival - bike, games, climate stickers to the stairs, how much CO2 you produce when...)

When considering applying the Austrian model of a carbon neutral university to Czech circumstances, one must consider the priorities and whether we shouldn´t start off  by making smaller steps before focusing on the energy issues which are much complicated issue to start with.
The typical university in the Czech Republic is much more dependent on fossil fuels than the Austrian one. As far as the heating and electricity is concerned, Austria is well-known for its long and positive approach to sustainable development concept and renewable sources of energy. However, we would still like to bet he first ´Green University´ in our country and that way set the path for other Czech high education institutions, our project should therefore be first aimed at greening the university by various ´simple´ steps. Possible solutions to addressed problems (or other challenges) will be discussed in the third part of this analysis.
First of all, the actual agenda should be set. We will set up a team of active individuals (ideally around 10 people) who will create the plan of activities. In order to gain information from successful cases of foreign ´green universities´, we will contact University of Lueneburg (Germany), University of Graz (Austria), Lund University (Sweden) to provide us with information, advice and tips how to proceed. 
Before we start with a potential campaign, we will investigate our possibilities of obtaining a grant. We would also discuss it with the rector´s office in order to gain support (financial as well as official patronage). At the moment there is a good oportunity to get a O2 Think Big grant which would enable us to finance the activities in our project. For further funding we will consider addressing companies conducting business in the field of renewable energy sources (this could be a tool for attracting students of technical studies – once they join the project, there might be a chance for them to get a scholarship or even a job in cooperating companies).
The next step would be to attract students to the topic and raise awareness about the issue. As far as we are concerned, there is not much knowledge among Czech students about the implementation of sustainable development goals, we would thus start our campaign with questionnaires based on queries related to this topic. In order to enhance the awareness, we will organize lectures and workshops with professionals from cooperating universities. An interactive
In the last section of our study we would like to propose some solutions, which can be implemented at Czech universities. Cooperation with NGOs can facilitate to students initiation. We identified huge potential within the mobility issue, where many different actions could be applied. Students can significantly reduce their ecological footprint by riding their bike on a way to university and around the entire town. Therefore, we should encourage them to do that by improving the conditions for this activity. Bike stands installed around the buildings, together with facilities for service would be very helpful. Students who are riding the bike
In the last section of our study we would like to propose some solutions, which can be implemented at Czech universities. Cooperation with NGOs can facilitate to students initiation. We identified huge potential within the mobility issue, where many different actions could be applied. Students can significantly reduce their ecological footprint by riding their bike on a way to university and around the entire town. Therefore, we should encourage them to do that by improving the conditions for this activity. Bike stands installed around the buildings, together with facilities for service would be very helpful. Students who are riding the bike