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[[LLP Table 5b - Maximum eligible daily rates]] | [[LLP Table 5b - Maximum eligible daily rates]] | ||
===Travel Costs=== | |||
Travel costs are allocated on the basis of real costs. | |||
(1) Travel costs for staff taking part in the project are allowable, provided that they are in line with each partner’s usual practices on travel costs. | |||
(2) Costs may be claimed only for journeys directly connected to specific and clearly identifiable project-related activities. For information on charging Travel Costs for | |||
non staff members please refer to Section "Other Costs" and "Subcontracting Costs". | |||
(3) The travel cost for a journey should include all costs and all means for travel from the point of origin to the point of destination (and vice versa) and may include visa fees, travel insurance and cancellation costs. | |||
(4) Reimbursement is based on real costs, independent of the means of travel chosen (rail, bus, taxi, plane, hire car). Partners are required to use the cheapest means of | |||
travel (e.g. use best value for money tickets for air travel and take advantage of reduced fares, where this is not the case then a full explanation should be provided). | |||
(5) Expenses for private car travel (personal or company cars), where substantiated and where the price is not excessive, will be refunded as follows (whichever is the | |||
cheapest): | |||
* Either a rate per km in accordance with the internal rules of the organisation concerned up to a max of €0.22; | |||
* Or the price of a rail, bus or plane ticket (see point (3) above). Only one ticket shall be reimbursed, independently of the number of people travelling in the same vehicle. | |||
(6) For hire cars (maximum category B or equivalent) or taxis: the actual cost where this is not excessive compared with other means of travel (also taking account of | |||
any influencing factors such as time, large volume of luggage due to the nature of the project). Reimbursement takes place independently of the number of people travelling in the same vehicle. | |||
===Equipment costs=== | |||
(1) Purchase, rent or lease of equipment (new or second-hand), including the installation, maintenance and insurance costs, is considered eligible | |||
* only when specific and necessary for achieving the goals of the project/action. Proposed equipment costs must always be clearly explained and specifically | |||
justified. The rules for procurement apply (see "Subcontracting costs" below); | |||
* provided that, in case of purchase only, the equipment is depreciated in accordance with the tax and accounting rules applicable to the beneficiary / consortium partner incurring the cost, and generally accepted for items of the same kind. Only the portion of the equipment's depreciation corresponding to the duration of the action and the rate of actual use for the purposes of the action may be taken into account. The applicant must explain the rules applied. If the nature and/or the context of its use justify different treatment, this should be duly justified. | |||
(2) All equipment related to the administration of the project (i.e. PC's, portables, etc.) and all equipment purchased before the start of a project can be covered only by the indirect costs of the project. | |||
(3) The total cost for equipment may not be more than 10% of the eligible direct costs of the project. | |||
(4) Third Country partners cannot claim Equipment costs | |||
¨ | |||
===Subcontracting costs=== | |||
(1) Costs entailed by procurement contracts for the purposes of carrying out specific and limited work for the project, can be considered eligible when awarded by a | |||
partner to an external body, organisation or individual (only if not employed by any of the Partner organisations of the consortium). This includes work such as | |||
translation, interpretation and printing, etc. | |||
(2) In order to maintain the concept of the project partnership, the management and the general administration of the project may not be subcontracted. | |||
(3) Costs are based on a verifiable estimate or, if the subcontractor is identified in accordance with the procedures set out in 4 and 5 below, on the basis of an offer. The estimate/offer will cover all costs (i.e. staff costs plus travel costs, etc.). | |||
(4) The beneficiary will award the contract to the tender offering best value for money, or, as appropriate, to the tender offering the lowest price, in compliance with the principles of transparency and equal treatment for potential contractors, care being taken to avoid any conflict of interests. | |||
(5) For actions managed through the Commission Procedure, the following specific | |||
European Union rules with regard to procurement apply: | |||
* Payments of amounts not exceeding EUR 1.000 in respect of items of expenditure may consist simply in payment against invoices, without prior acceptance of a tender; | |||
* Contracts with a value over €1.000 and not exceeding €15.000 are subject to a procedure involving a single tender following a negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice; | |||
* Contracts with a value over €15.000 and not exceeding €60.000 are subject to a procedure involving at least three tenderers following a negotiated procedure | |||
without prior publication of a contract notice; | |||
* For contracts of a value over €60.000, national rules with regard to procurement apply. | |||
(6) The total costs for subcontracting may not be more than 30 % of the total direct costs of the project | |||
(7) Third Country partners cannot claim Subcontracting costs |